Josh Donaldson. Baseball Player Mechanics Analysis - Oakland A’s

The analysis of some aspects of the technique can help to explain the athlete’s performance, injuries and his/her future possibilities. With the information that we present in this blog I’m not intended to replace a scientifically organized evaluation process, but just to play with the available information.

Mr. Donaldson suffered a left knee sprain in 2010 consistent with the internal compression that he generates at the end of the swing during batting. We can observe in the batting pictures and video how he rotates the left foot externally compressing the internal aspect of the left knee. This action will aggravate the MCL area already damaged.
We can observe also a hyper-extension at the lower back at the end of batting, that might increase the risk of pain in that area.
Initial position
Left foot remains in place while the hip rotates
Left foot remains in place while the hip rotates. Starts hyper-extension of the left knee
Knee hyper-extension, foot external rotation and hyper-extension of the lower back while hip keeps rotation

Knee hyper-extension, more foot external rotation and hyper-extension of the lower back while hip keeps rotation

Knee hyper-extension, foot external rotation and hyper-extension of the lower back while hip keeps rotation

The running technique, with extreme hyper-extension of the knee before landing and the first contact in the ground with the heel, will create new sources of stress for his knees.
In 2012 he suffered a strained right hip. It will continuous being stressed by the constant kicking generated during running in the air phase.

Complete ankle extension, incomplete knee extension
Knee hyper extension. Landing with heel in front of hip
Complete ankle extension, incomplete knee extension
Knee hyper extension. Landing with heel in front of hip

Conclusions: High risk of re-injury at the left knee level and hip flexors. Moderate risk of injury at the left ankle level and lower back.


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